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2023, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pages 708-715

Optimal Alignment of Temporal Knowledge Bases (04b Atto di convegno in volume)

Fernandez-Gil Oliver, Patrizi Fabio, Perelli Giuseppe, Turhan Anni-Yasmin

Answering temporal CQs over temporalized Description Logic knowledge bases (TKB) is a main technique to realize ontology-based situation recognition. In case the collected data in such a knowledge base is inaccurate, important query answers can be missed. In this paper we introduce the TKB Alignment problem, which computes a variant of the TKB that minimally changes the TKB, but entails the given temporal CQ and is in that sense (cost-)optimal. We investigate this problem for ALC TKBs and conjunctive queries with LTL operators and devise a solution technique to compute (cost-optimal) alignments of TKBs that extends techniques for the alignment problem for propositional LTL over finite traces.
ISBN: 978-1-64368-436-9
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma