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2022, HEALTHCARE, Pages 2014- (volume: 10)

An integrated music and Artificial Intelligence system in support of pediatric neurorehabilitation (01a Articolo in rivista)

Baldisseri Federico, Maiani Arturo, Montecchiani Edoardo, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Giuseppi Alessandro, Menegatti Danilo, Fogliati Vincenzo

This study aims at the implementation of an Artificial Intelligence approach to the use of music for supporting the neurorehabilitation of children with brain injuries or neurological difficulties.The output of this study will be the implementation of an app for mobile devices with games to be played by pediatric patients, allowing time for their cognitive and motor abilities to recover while enjoying pleasant activities. In particular, a Neural Network Classification approach is proposed in order to automatically adapt the game difficulty to the current cognitive capabilities of the child.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma