Alessandro De Luca

Research interests

My research interests are in the general areas of robotics and control. In particular, I have been working on kinematic and dynamic modeling, trajectory planning, motion planning and control for the following robotic systems/problems:

Manipulators with elastic joints, with variable stiffness actuation, with flexible links; Soft robots; Physical human-robot interaction; Collision detection and isolation; Robots in contact with the environment; Haptics; Kinematically redundant robots; Wheeled mobile robots; Mobile manipulators; Visual servoing; Cooperating manipulators; Underactuated robots; Nonholonomic mechanical systems; Locomotion platforms; Telepresence; Fault detection and isolation.

You can find the pdf of my research papers (and the accompanying videos, if present) in the Publications page.

Watch also some videos on our YouTube channel RoboticsLabSapienza, in particular in the playlists:

For solving regulation, tracking, or interaction control problems, I have been using several control design approaches, e.g., feedback linearization (static, dynamic, partial state), input-output decoupling, Lyapunov-based control, learning, iterative steering, inversion in frequency domain, nonlinear regulation.

Last update: December 31, 2023