Roberto Navigli is a full professor of Natural Language Processing in the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering at the Sapienza University of Rome, the head of the Sapienza NLP Group, an ACL Fellow, a EurAI Fellow and an ELLIS Fellow. In 2007 he received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from "La Sapienza" (recipient of the Marco Cadoli 2007 AI*IA prize for the Best Ph.D. Thesis in AI). In 2013 he received the Marco Somalvico AI*IA prize, awarded to the best young Italian researcher in AI, who has provided a significant, highly-innovative personal contribution in AI.

BabelNet He is the creator of BabelNet, the largest multilingual encyclopedic computational dictionary, winner of the 2017 prominent paper award of the Artificial Intelligence Journal and the META prize, and covered by the Guardian and Time Magazine. Also winner of the 2023 prominent paper award of the AI Journal for NASARI.


He has received two prestigious grants from the European Research Council (ERC): MOUSSE, a 1.5M euro Consolidator Grant (2017-2022), and MultiJEDI, a 1.3M euro Starting Grant. These grants have been highlighted (out of 10,000) among the 15 projects through which the ERC transformed science.
