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euRobotics Week

"On November 25th, 2015, in the context of the 5th edition of the euRobotics Week, promoted by euRobotics aisbl – The European association for a Public-Private Partnership in robotics, DIAG opens its robotics laboratories. In particular, we will illustrate our research activities on articulated manipulators, mobile robots, humanoids, autonomous flying vehicles and soccer robots.

10:00 Presentation of research activity – Aula Magna

Robotics Lab

Cognitive Robot Teams Lab (RoCoCo)

Cognitive Robotics Lab (ALCOR)

11:00 Guided tour of the labs

12:30 Open labs

Domenico D. Bloisi, bloisi@dis.uniroma1.it
María T. Lázaro, mtlazaro@dis.uniroma1.it
Via Ariosto, 25 - 00185 Roma"

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma