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Simone Agostinelli wins the 2023 Best BPM Dissertation Award

Simone Agostinelli

The PhD thesis of Simone Agostinelli titled Generating Executable Robotic Process Automation Scripts from Unsegmented User Interface Logs (https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3469/paper-01.pdf) won the prestigious 2023 Best BPM Dissertation Award at the 21st International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2023).

The PhD Thesis of Simone represents a pivotal contribution to the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) field. Significant parts of the thesis were published in highly ranked conferences, such as ICSOC 2021, CAiSE 2021, ICPM 2022 and BPM 2022, and in top-level scientific journals (including Computers in Industry and Information Systems), demonstrating the scientific rigor and relevance of the work. The pdf of the thesis is available at: https://iris.uniroma1.it/bitstream/11573/1661397/1/Tesi_dottorato_Agostinelli.pdf

Simone is currently an Assistant Professor (RTD-A) in our department, and he is working on topics related to the application of AI in the field of RPA.

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