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Seminario pubblico di Anna Livia Croella (Procedura valutativa per n.1 posto di Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipologia A - SC 01/A6 SSD MAT/09)

Anna Livia Croella
Data dell'evento: 
Monday, 10 July, 2023 - 15:00
Aula A3 DIAG

In this talk Anna Livia will present her research activities belonging to a diverse portfolio, covering both industry and society. She will talk about:

I)  train rescheduling problems, a critical activity in rail traffic management done both off-line (timetabling) and on-line/in real-time (dispatching). She formulated a novel Dynamic Discretization Discovery model with a MaxSAT approach to reschedule train in real-time and outlined an automated procedure to achieve improved system safety in case of a disruption occurrence (a protocol now adopted by a Class I North-American railway);

II) location-routing in Waste Management (WM), one of the key tasks to realize circular economy and achieve sustainability used to efficiently support WM network reengineering. She will present a network design model for a large metropolitan area and a cluster-first location&sizing&route-second approach for designing a biomethane production chain fed by the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste.

III)nonprofit company management issues, in particular she will discuss a case addressing a (realistic) non-linear integer problem based on nonprofit company management issues and created a classroom game to challenge students with a real (and future) problem.

Bio: Anna Livia Croella is a postdoctoral researcher in Operations Research at the University of Pisa, formerly a postdoctoral fellow at La Sapienza University of Rome, where she received her PhD in Operations Research in May 2022 and her B.S. in Management Engineering in October 2017. She currently holds a research associate position at "Istituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica “Antonio Ruberti” (IASI) with a collaborative assignment on the project "“Ottimizzazione, Matematica Discreta e Applicazioni per la Società e l’Industria (OPTIMA)”. Her main theoretical interests include Combinatorial Optimization and Mixed Integer Programming.

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma