Appendix A.5

Built-in predicates



InRange(Out N,A,B)

Enumerate all integers N such that A<=N<=B


InRange may be used as an enumerator engine to generate all integers in the range [A,B]. Actually enumerated values are: A, A+1, ..., B-1, B.

Note if A>B InRange fails and no value is enumerated.



Graph(Out 1);

Node(Out N,1) For N:InRange(N,1,10);


"Declare a graph, then enumerates its nodes 1 .. 10 by calling the InRange predicate."


InRangeStep(Out N,A,B,S)

Enumerate all integers N such that A<=N<=B and S|(N-A)


InRangeStep may be used as an enumerator engine to generate all integers N in the range [A,B] such that N-A is a multiple of S. Actually enumerated values are: A, A+S, A+2*S, ... A+k*S such that k=floor((B-A)/S).

Note if A>B InRangeStep fails and no value is enumerated.



Tree(Out 1);

Node(Out N,1)

For N:InRangeStep(X,1,25,5);


"Declare a tree, then declare nodes 1, 6, 11, 16, 21."