Capacity Planning 
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica
Architetture e Sistemi Distribuiti
Anno accademico 2019/2020
6 crediti
Prof. Bruno Ciciani
Tutors: Ing. Romolo Marotta - Ing. Stefano Conoci

In accordance with the communication of the Rector, we will proceed with lessons remotely. Lectures will be given during the same time slots as face-to-face ones. Please join the lectures using this link:


Preliminary Program



Main Textbook
  • D. A. Menascé, V. A. F. Almeida: Capacity Planning for Web Services: metrics, models and methods. Prentice Hall, PTR
Other Books

  • L. Kleinrock: Queueing Systems, Vol. 1:Theory, John Wiley & Sons
  • Mor Harchol Balter: Performance Modeling and Design of Computer Systems. Cambridge University Press
  • G. Buonanno, N. Scarabattolo: Temi d’esame di Impianti di elaborazione, Progetto Leonardo
  • B. Ciciani, F. Quaglia: Sistemi affidabili e in tempo reale (in web site)


Java Modelling Tools - JMT, a suite of applications for system modeling and performance analysis with analytical and simulation techniques