Giuseppe Santucci bio sketch

Giuseppe Santucci is Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science of Sapienza Università di Roma,  and on 28/03/2018 the ASN (National Scientific Qualification) granted him the Italian Professorship Qualification for Full Professor in  the Academic Discipline 01/B1 - Informatics.

He currently teaches courses on Python, Software Engineering (in English), and Visual Analytics (in English).

He has been the advisor of two PhD students, Enrico Bertini (currently Associate Professor at the New York NYU University) and Marco Angelini who discussed the Thesis in December 2016 with excellent judgment and is currently the winner of a research grant at the Dof Computer Science of Sapienza Università di Roma. Giuseppe Santucci is currently the advisor of Simone Lenti, who won the doctoral application on September 2017.

His research activity focused on theoretical aspects of visual query languages for semantic data models, deepening their expressive power and the topological properties, on user interfaces development and assessment, and on evaluation and quality aspects of Information Visualization techniques and the application of Visual Analytics to the fields of Information Retrieval and Cyber Security. On such topics he published more than 200 papers on international Journal and conferences, collaborating with more than 35 national and international researchers.

Currently he is coordinating the visualization group A.WA.RE (Advanced Visualization & Visual Analytics REsearch Group), that carries on research and projects about predictive and progressive Visual Analyitics, with a strong emphasis on Information Retrieval Cyber Security topics.

He served as reviewer for the most important conferences and Journals in the visualization field, including Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), International Conference on Information Visualization, IEEE Visualization Conference e IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology. On 2008 he joined the editorial review board of the International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) and he is currently Emeritus Editorial Board Member dell' International Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC).

Giuseppe Santucci has been involved in several national and international projects. In particular on 2000-2001 he was scientific responsible of the Rome research unit of COFIN 2000 "Analisi, Visualizzazione di informazioni ed interrogazione visuale in basi di dati per il monitoraggio clinico", during 2002-2007 he joined the European projects ST-2001-34825 “SEWASIE, DELOS NoE, responsible of tasks 3.7 e 4.5a, during 2008-2011 he joined the European visual analytics project VisMaster CA, as scientific responsible of Rome unit, responsible of  Work Package 3.1 (Data Management and Visual Analytics) and member of the VisMaster Scientific Coordination Committee. From September 2010 he is involved in the European project Promise (NoE, 258191), PROMISE—Participative Research labOratory for Multimedia and Multilingual Information Systems Evaluation, as work package 5 responsible and Roma unit scientific coordinator. From October 2013 he is involved in the cyber defence decision support European project Panoptesec (FP7-ICT-2013-10 Objective ICT-2013.1.5 Trustworthy ICT item (c)), PROMISE—Participative Research labOratory for Multimedia and Multilingual Information Systems Evaluation, as the Visual Analytics work package 6 responsible and Roma unit scientific coordinator.
From 2013-2016 he was the Rome principal investigator for the Panoptesec Project: " Dynamic Risk Approaches for Automated Cyber Defence ", where he is responsible of the Visual Analytics module in charge of visually interact with security data.

Giuseppe Santucci organized several scientific events. In particular he is member of the Steering Committee of the International Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI) and, on 2006 and 2008 he was co-chair of the International Workshop BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization BELIV 06, Venezia, Italy, 23 May 2006, workshop of AVI 2006 and BELIV 08, Firenze, Italy, 5 April 2008, workshop of ACM CHI 2008, workshops focused on Information Visualization evaluation. On 2010 he is co-chair of the workshop CHItaly 2009, Rome, June 17-19, program chair of 2010 International Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing, Oak Brook, Illinois, USA October 14 to October 16 and he is general and program chair of the ACM International Working Conference, AVI 2010 Advanced Visual Interfaces, Rome 25-29 May, 2010. On 2011 he was co-chair of the International Workshop EuroVa 2011, Bergen, Norvegia, 31 May, and General Chair of the International Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing, Florence, Italy 18-20 August 2011. On 2012 and 2013 he was co-paper chair of the IEEE VAST conference, and in 2014 he is Conference chair of VAST. On November 2014 he joined the VAST Steering Committee and on 2015 he joined the Eurovis Steering Committeee. Moreover he was paper co-chair of Eurovis 2015 and Eurovis 2016.

2011 he was co-chair of the International Workshop EuroVa 2011, Bergen, Norvegia, 31 May, and General Chair of the International Workshop on Visual Languages and Computing, Florence, Italy 18-20 August 2011. On 2012 and 2013 he was co-paper chair of the IEEE VAST conference, and in 2014 he is Conference chair of VAST. On November 2014 he joined the VAST Steering Committee and on 2015 he joined the Eurovis Steering Committeee. Moreover he was paper co-chair of Eurovis 2015 and Eurovis 2016.