The goal of this event is to provide a systematic evaluation of the performance of small UAV (multi-copters see specifications below) in two tasks that are of interest in the domain of precision Agriculture (see specification below) to make a further step towards the development of these technology. The event is organized within the framework of the EU Flourish projects, following the international guidelines for standard test methods. Flourish is a H2020 project (, whose goal is to bridge the gap between the current and desired capabilities of agricultural robots by combining the aerial survey capabilities of a small autonomous multi-copter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), with a multi-purpose agricultural Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV). The two test address the task of "3D mapping of the field", and "Inspect item on a tree".
Format of the Event
The event will be run on two parallel tracks in a designated area. The selected participants will be invited to test their system and the overall results of the test will be announced at the end of the event.
Call for Contributions
Researchers and service providers that are interested in participating in the event are invited to submit description of their system and of its technical capabilities in the task they intend to participate, and any other information that may qualify them, including the proof that they can comply all the regulations that apply to the flight of Small UAVs in Italy (for both the pilot and the system in the VERY LIGHT category 300g < 4kg). As there are a limited number of tests that can be arranged during the event, a selection of the participants based on the submitted material will be done based on the submitted material. and acceptance will be communicated by April 23th 2018..
Test description and system requirements can be found following this link
Instructions for authors and submissions: TBD
Registration is fees-free, participants should register themselves by following this link by May 7th, 2018.
The event will be held at Villa Salvati (Pianello Vallesina, Monte Roberto, Ancona, Italy). Villa Salvati is 24 km away from the Marche Airport and 3.5 km away to the closest railway station (Montecarotto-Castelbellino) that is directly connected to the airport station (Castelferretti, the railway route takes about 20 minutes).
Organizing Committee
For any further information please contact