Images for Classification

CellTraining SetNo. of ImagesTest SetNo. of Images

The training set contains images from 24 different categories of boats navigating in the City of Venice (Italy). The .rar file contains a folder for each category. The jpeg files inside the folders are named according to the date, hour, and system track number. The folder "Water" contains false positives.

  1. Alilaguna
  2. Ambulanza
  3. Barchino
  4. Cacciapesca
  5. Caorlina
  6. Gondola
  7. Lanciafino10m
  8. Lanciafino10mBianca
  9. Lanciafino10mMarrone
  10. Lanciamaggioredi10m
  11. Lanciamaggioredi10mBianca
  12. Lanciamaggioredi10mMarrone
  13. Motobarca
  14. Motopontonerettangolare
  15. MotoscafoACTV
  16. Mototopo
  17. Patanella
  18. Polizia
  19. Raccoltarifiuti
  20. Sandoloaremi
  21. Sanpierota
  22. Topa
  23. VaporettoACTV
  24. VigilidelFuoco
Boat categories

The test set contains images with ground-truth annotations in the format <image-name>;<category>
for example 20130412_044827_56976.jpg;Vaporetto ACTV
The annotations are contained in the file ground_truth.txt