Moving day light PTZ camera
viewMoving infrared PTZ camera
viewThree static day light cameras
viewMaritime Detection, Classification, and Tracking (MarDCT) is a database of videos and images containing data coming from multiple sources (fixed, moving, and Pan-Tilt-Zoom cameras) and from different scenarios.
The aim of MarDCT is to provide visual data that can be used to help in developing intelligent surveillance system for the maritime environment. The data sets are divided according to the type of Ground Truth in: Detection, Classification and Tracking
Feel free to contribute with your own data by contacting us!
If you make use of the MarDCT data, please cite the following reference:
Bloisi, Domenico D.; Iocchi, Luca; Pennisi, Andrea; Tombolini, Luigi, "ARGOS-Venice Boat Classification," in 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2015, pp.1-6, 2015. doi: 10.1109/AVSS.2015.7301727 Bibtex pdf