
Paolo Stegagno


We have implemented a simple velocity incremental joystick to drive the robots.
Command 'w' increments forward linear velocity.
Command 's' increments backward linear velocity.
Command 'a' increments left angular velocity.
Command 'w' increments right angular velocity.
Command 'p' stops the motors.
Command 'x' slows.

Joystick on Player

Run in a shell
$ cd MIP_HOME/bin
$ ./
Select the joystick/joystickPlayerRob.txt file, then choose the player world, the robot you want to drive and eventually the draWin.

Joystick on Remote Robot


Run in three different shells:
$ ./player <ChosenWorld>.cfg

$ cd MIP_HOME/bin
$ ./mip -id <Id> -scenario player -resTaskFile ../main/resTaskFiles/joystick/joystickRemoteRob.txt

$ cd MIP_HOME/bin
$ ./mip -id <Id> -scenario player -resTaskFile ../main/resTaskFiles/remoteRobTask/remoteRobTaskPlayer.txt


$ cd MIP_HOME/bin
$ ./mip -id <Id> -scenario khepera -resTaskFile ../main/resTaskFiles/joystick/joystickRemoteRob.txt

Mount the additional flash of the KheperaIII in the folder /root/other. Compile mip for ARM and copy on the kheperaIII you want to use, in the folder /root/other. Copy the file MIP_HOME/main/resTaskFile/remoteRobTask/remoteRobTaskKhepereaIII.txt in the same folder using scp command and modify it inserting the right Id in the -id field.
Then, execute in a shell:

$ ssh root@<Id>
$ cd other
$ ./mip -resTaskFile remoteRobTask.txt

Joystick on KheperaIII


Generated on Mon Feb 20 07:01:08 2017 for MIP by  doxygen 1.5.6