C++ code snippets from Leonardo

Leonardo is written in C++ within the Metrowerks PowerPlant framework. Even though we do not plan to distribute the whole Leonardo source code, we hope to make available many utility classes implemented in Leonardo, including the syntax coloring extension of WASTE. Producing good documentation and application examples is very time consuming, so it will take a while.



CFilesHierMenu is a C++ class that can be used to append to an existing application menu bar a hierarchical menu showing the names of all files having a given type and belonging to a given file system subtree. Files belonging to different subdirectories appear in different submenus.


1.0 - June 9, 1999


Camil Demetrescu and Irene Finocchi


C++ source files (PowerPlant), CodeWarrior IDE 2.0 project, PPC example app


StuffIt+hqx, ftp, 186 KB

[Leonardo Home Page]