Kinect Data Acquisition0.1 Beta
GUI0.1 Beta
GNAO offline software0.1 Beta
GNAO online software0.1 Beta

HOWTO Kinect Data Acquisition

1 - Download the Kinect Data Acquisition software

2 - Extract the archive in a directory

3 - Enter in libfreenect directory and create a directory "build"

4 - Enter in build and type $ cmake .. && make

5 - Acquire Video by typing: $ ./kinectAcquisition -out name device_number


1 - Download the GUI software

2 - Extract the archive in a directory

3 - Open the software with Qtcreator and Compile it

4 - Select one image From each Kinect

5 - Press Execute to select Points

5 - Press Compute to compute the Homography and to save a configuration file


1 - Download the GNAO offline software

2 - Extract the archive in a directory

3 - Enter in "stereoimbs" directory and type $ make (Remember to install fltk, opencv and gsl)

4 - Launche the software by typing: $ ./imbs -stereoimg


1 - Download the GNAO online software

2 - Extract the archive in a directory

3 - Copy the file "FindGSL.cmake" in /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/

4 - Enter in libfreenect directory and create a directory "build"

5 - Enter in build and type $ cmake .. && make (Remember to install fltk, opencv and gsl)

6 - Launch the software by typing: $ ./gnao -kinect_live